Love Stinks by the J. Geils Band

Love Stinks by the J. Geils Band

This was one song I loved to hear on MTV back in the early 80’s. John “J.” Geils and his band were living in obscurity until this 1980 hit, which got heavy rotation when MTV launched in the fall of 1981. If you watch the video, pay attention to the...
Lucky by Britney Spears

Lucky by Britney Spears

When I heard Britney’s earlier songs, something struck me about the style and feel: ABBA! Jangly and boppy. Listen to the song and imagine it as something by ABBA. Britney’s early albums were crafted by Swedish record producer, Max Martin. Coincidence? I...
New Toy by Lene Lovich

New Toy by Lene Lovich

The new-wave/post-punk song “New Toy” was one of the hits played on MTV nonstop; it was released in 1981, the year MTV started.The song was written by Thomas Dolby. He didn’t have his own hits until a year or so later.